Thursday, March 21, 2013

Red Salmon Thai Curry

Ever since my trip to Thailand in 2008, I've been absolutely enamored with all Thai food. Luckily for me, there are a couple of great restaurants in town that satisfy my all-too-persistent cravings, but I've learned that cooking this spicy, flavor-rich cuisine at home is just as good - if not better. In order to embrace authentic Thai cooking, one must embrace coconut milk. Yes, coconut milk - the rich, calorie dense ingredient that sends many running in the opposite direction. Moderation is key, my friends, moderation is key. 

Although green curry is my favorite, I went with red curry for this recipe because I thought it would compliment the salmon perfectly, and it did! Also, can we take a second to talk about how great Thai basil is? If you haven't tried it - I suggest you run to the nearest grocery store and grab some, but be forewarned - it's the most evasive of herbs (I've resorted to growing my own). Its sweet, licorice-y, bold flavor adds a freshness to soups, curries, and stirfrys - I've even tried it on pizza. Anyway, I really recommend it! 

I never use strict measurements when cooking, and in this case, it isn't necessary at all. Everything can be adjusted to taste - if you like your food spicy, add extra curry paste. Not a fan of coconut? Only use a little.

Bell Pepper
Thai Basil
Coconut Milk
Red Curry Paste 
Vegetable Broth 

Sear the salmon in a separate pan. In a wok, combine vegetables and let cook in vegetable broth, curry past, and coconut milk. Add the Thai basil just before cooking is complete and enjoy!

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